Reduce sickness and absenteeism – It’s important to understand that many aspects of the indoor environment can be harmful to our health, especially dust, volatile organics, lighting and CO2 and can cause problems such as asthma and bronchitis. Lighting, too, is something most don’t understand the full impact of – not only can it affect eyesight over time, but it can also impact mood and hormone production.
Overall, poor air quality has a direct link to illness, increasing the risk of spreading sickness and staff absenteeism.
Why does Wellness matter to the Healthcare sector?
76% of NHS employees experienced mental distress or ill health at work
A FOI request revealed that 535 NHS workers took 6,897 days off due to stress-related sickness in 2017/18
Integration of biophilic design allows post-operative recovery times to decrease by 8.5% and reduces pain medication by 22%
Applicable Environment Monitoring system
Our sensors are small, battery-powered and non-intrusive.
The following parameters are measured:
• Temperature (of air, dry-bulb, oC)
• Humidity (relative, %)
• Light level (lx)
• CO2 level (ppm)
• PM 1, 2.5, 10 (μg/m3)
• VOC (total, ppb)